Thursday, April 28, 2011

Saydee Lynn: 9 Months

We started out okay....

But as it turned out... she just wanted to sit in the chair by herself...

Wonder where this independent attitude comes from?

At 9 months Miss Saydee Lynn is sooooo cute! She is such a good kiddo. She has been crawling since she turned 6 month so she has had a few months to work on her speed. She is SUPER FAST. She has been pulling up on everything and even letting go to test the waters some. It won't be long before she is running around chasing big sister. She is a great eater, I've noticed with the second child the "mom" doesn't have as much anxiety about trying new foods. She loves to feed herself and as of this week... the baby food is pretty much out of the quesiton. She wants the real stuff!!!

Saydee Lynn: 8 Months

I don't know exactly what the problem was, but she DID NOT want to sit on her Sister's lap! I still think they are both cute!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tea Party

Here a while back Baylee BEGGED me to have a tea party with her. I figured if we were going to go through all the motions we might as well reap the rewards! So... we got out the fine china, set the table, made tea, sliced cheese and ham and invited GiGi over during Saydee's nap time and had ourselves a tea Party!

Saydee Lynn: 7 Months

I believe she is trying to catch flies with her mouth open like that....

Saydee Lynn: 6 Months