Friday, July 30, 2010

Two Week Check-Up

We went today for Miss Saydee's two week check-up with her new Pediatrician, Dr. Chu. Byron and I decided to switch the girls from our Decatur pedi to a new on a little closer... in Seymour. Turns out we both just LOVE Dr. Chu, and she comes HIGHLY recommended.

Stats from Saydee's 4 day check up:

Weight: 5 lbs 13 oz (upon leaving the hospital she was 5 lbs 7 oz)

Length: 18.5 inches (at birth she was 17 inches... I'm thinking there was a small error here!?!?)

Head: 32 cm

Two week stats:

Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz

Length: 19 inches

Head: 34 cm

We also had to have her PKU and Hearing tested today. Can I tell you how much I hate those PKU tests???? It wasn't as traumatizing this go around b/c I actually left the room and made Byron experience it this time, but it still breaks my heart to see my kiddo's tortured!!! They even had to stick her TWICE! YUCKO!

She did pass her hearing test... finally! Dr. Chu thinks she didn't pass at the hospital b/c she is just to tiny and her ear canals had some gunk in them. But all is well now and that is one worry we can mark off our list! YEA Saydee!

Saydee is such a happy baby, and she is definitely LOVED and adored more by her big sister than anyone else! It is the sweetest thing to hear Baylee talk to her little sister. She starts her morning off by insisting on seeing and kissing her sister! My goal is to get some of the little "sister" moments caught on film and post them to share with you.... maybe someday I can get that done! HA! (there is only so much time between feedings and work and laundry and well, you know the rest! HA!)

Here is a picture of our first trip to Sunday School and Church as a family of four....

1 comment:

Bar 7 Ranch said...

SOOOOO sweet! CANT WAIT to see yall tomorrow!!