Monday, August 30, 2010

Birth Announcement

Saydee's First photo shoot

Baylee vs. Mom & Dad

Byron: (as he was taking the hot dogs out of the microwave)
Wow Baylee, these are HOT!!!

Baylee: (as she looks up from her coloring book)
Well, put them down.

Baylee = 1
Mom & Dad = 0

Mom: Owe!! Baylee you just stepped on my foot with your boot! That hurt!
Baylee: Well, move it out of the way!

Baylee = 2
Mom & Dad = 0

I don't think my child is lacking in the logic department.

Some other interesting things she has been saying lately:

-Hey mom look! I have a Mush-tak!!! (moustache) She normally says this when she drinks milk out of a "big girl" cup.

-When Saydee is fussing while I'm changing her diaper: Saydee, where is your pashements??? (patience)

-Hey Gigi, can you bring me a mepmem? (napkin)

-When she is "babysitting" Saydee while I'm doing something else she will come running in the room and tell me that she gave Saydee her "passy-a-fire." (pacifier)

-She often refers to her little sis as "mushin" (munchkin)

-Yesterday she told Gigi that the put the "sackage" of candy on the bar. (sack)

Never a dull moment,

Saturday, August 21, 2010

One Month Old

Saydee and her VERY proud Big Sister!

Saydee with Baylee's horse "Smoky."

She refused to look at the camera....

I can't believe one month has already been here and gone! I have enjoyed the easy transition from being the mother of one darling little girl to the mother of two little angels!

Miss Saydee is such a good baby! She is developing a wonderful little schedule and pretty much sticks too it these days. She is sleeping in her crib during the night now and during her afternoon naps. She doesn't fuss when put down at night or during the nap. Actually, she really doesn't fuss much at all except when she is hungry and momma isn't getting it to her fast enough!

Here are a few little things I thought I'd share:

-overall she is a HAPPY baby
-she LOVES her sister
-she has started holding her head up REALLY well when held on someones shoulder
-she will follow my voice with her eyes and head when I talk to her from across the room
-she usually goes to bed around 9 and sleeps until 2 or 3, eats then back to bed until 6 or 7.
-her afternoon nap is a "big girl" nap. she sleeps in her crib and is usually the same time every day.
-she likes to be outside, or in her chair next to the windows.

We are just overwhelmed with God's love and grace these days!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

This little stinker...

This little stinker.... yes, this one pictured below.... is growing up WAY too fast! She is Three going on 30... and I can't believe the changes in her since her little sister has arrived.

This is her today before she and her father spent HOURS horseback looking for a few lost yearlings. Yes, my BABY is growing up and I'm having a pretty hard time with it! (can you tell?)

She has been such a great Big Sister. She helps me out ALL the time. She can "babysit" Saydee when I'm doing things around the house. She sings to her, gives her the pacifier when she needs it, tells me when she is crying and helps me with the diaper changes. I haven't noticed any jealousy at all, well except that directed towards Gigi when she spends a little too much time with Saydee. GiGi and Baylee are pretty tight and Baylee doesn't mind letting everyone know who she belongs too. (it is totally cute though!)

One of the sweetest things I want to share happened a few weeks ago. Baylee always wants to give Saydee kisses before she goes to bed at night. One night I noticed that Baylee was whispering something into Saydee's ear. I didn't ask her what she said that time, but the next night she did it again so my curiosity got the better of me and I asked. Baylee looked at me with those big blue eyes and said: "Mom, I told Saydee that I love her to the moon and I love her back!" My eyes are watering right now just typing that! She is such a sweetheart!

Loving every minute with my two girls!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


You know you have been accepted into the family when you pull into the driveway and your father-in-law is on the phone with someone and says: "Well, I've got to go... my Daughter-in-law and her husband just pulled up."