Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nap Time at the Gray's House...

It seems that we have been able to sneak in a few naps here lately...

Like father like daughter... Arms above the head and out like a light!

This is the new way to nap in the recliner, just in case you wanted to try it.
Not exactly sure how Big Sister does this, but I think it is pretty darn cute.

So she refused to take a nap earlier that afternoon and I didn't have the energy to fight her on it. I left her alone for about 5 minutes to go put some laundry up and this is what I found when I returned. I guess being a big sister cowgirl princess is a tough job.

Wishing I could crash out like this,

1 comment:

The Throne Family said...

So cute! Why is it that everyone around us seems to nap great, but us Mommas never can seem to find the time? Or may I add, when I have found the time no one else wants to nap! Ha!