Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Saydee Lynn: 4 Months

I can't believe that it has already been FOUR months!!!!!! Little Saydee baby is just growing like a weed! This month we have survived our first ear infection.
:( Dr.Chu thinks her ear drum might have busted but she couldn't tell at that time b/c she had so much drainage covering it up. She said we should be able to tell better at her 6 month appointment.
I should say, big Sis has only ever had two ear infections and they were when she was WAY older. It seems as if the "Gray girls" have a VERY HIGH pain tolerance. Saydee never acted like she felt bad through all this and actually never really ran a fever. (odd, I know)
Baylee can get stung by a wasp and not even shed a tear. She just wanted a band-aid put on it and then asked for the fly swatter so she could "smack dat thing" down!!!!
I just love this face she makes! I guess the flash catches her off guard!
Of course we are rolling EVERYWHERE these days!
Normally, the feet go straight to the mouth. I just happened to be quicker than she this particular time!
Of course Big Sis just can't give her enough love!
At 4 months Saydee:
Giggles like crazy for Baylee and Pop
Rolls from one end of the room to the other
Is eating cereal like a champ
Weighs about 12 lbs
(I know, I'm a bad mom for not knowing exact weight!)
Love LOVE loves for her big sister to talk to her!
She had been sleeping through the night since she was 7 weeks, but this month she has started to extend her 5 or 6 am feeding to about 7 am.
We are so blessed with our two little gifts from God.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Your girls are absolutely gorgeous. And hilarious. ;) I love that last picture of them together.