Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weekend with Tamra

So maybe it wasn't a whole weekend, but it was nice to get away and have some major girl time. Technically putting it, Tamra is my mother-in-law, but she is SO much more to me! I can truly say that when I hear my friends and other people complain about the "typical In-Law" relationship and how much frustration they have with one or the other... I CAN NOT RELATE! God has blessed me with two of the most influential, beautiful (yes, Pop, that means you too), God loving people in this world. Both of which have greatly influenced me and my walk with Christ. I love them with all my heart.

Anyway, I had signed up to run a 5K in Abilene on Saturday. Since I was going to make the hour drive at 6AM on my day off, I decided to just make a day of it. Tamra decided to join me and my crazy schedule. So at 6AM Tamra picked me up at the house and I left my child and husband... alone... for the whole day... in my VERY clean... organized... not a dish in the sink or dishwasher house. (Most of you can relate to my anxiety). We went straight to Red Bud Park in Abilene so that I could run my 5K, which by the way I finished in under 29 minutes, Go me! After I ran we went to Michaels so that I could get what I was hoping would be the last of the flowers to finish the arrangements for my sisters Wedding in May. Turns out, Michaels wasn't having a 50% off sale on the flowers I need and since I'm such a tight wad I didn't get any! Guess I'm just going to have to break down and make a trip to Garden Ridge... what a shame! ;) We ended up finding Baylee some really great coloring books with markers (the kid won't use crayons... she HAS to use markers) that don't write on anything but the special papers! WHEW HOO!!! She loves them!

After we left Michael's we headed to Bed Bath & Beyond to get shower presents for Olivia's Meridian Shower that is this weekend. To our dismay, they didn't have anything in the store, everything had to be ordered. I was very frustrated because I'm all about "opening presents" at a shower... not just getting a gift card. I blame this on my self-diagnosed OCD. Then we ventured to Old Navy where I scored a couple of new outfits and Tamra found a CUTE sweater cardigan type shirt. From there it was off to Bealls... yea, I had coupons. Found a REALLY cute dress that was already on sale then got an additional 25% off!

Tamra even packed us a lunch and snacks for our trip... this way we had more shopping time and MONEY!!! She is SO thoughtful, can you see why I love her so much?

After that we went to Target to check Olivia's registry there because I was bound and determined to find a gift... to my dismay, they didn't have what I wanted to get her there either. After Tamra talked me thru my emotional melt down we found some cute Spring outfits and a really cute pair of shoes for Baylee. We left there with Wal-Mart in our sights. Before we left I called Byron to check on him and Baylee. He assured me that they were both fine and that they had a lot of "activities" going on and that I could see those "activities" when I got home! At this point (after my melt down about Olivia's gift) I was freaking out... I just knew my house was destroyed. I cringed and told Byron I was not going to come home to a disaster zone... and I wasn't going to spend all day Sunday cleaning up a mess. He told me he loved me and then I ventured into Wal-Mart. Tamra had a short list and of course... mine was a mile long. So after splitting my list with her we split up and got the shopping done in record time... however, I can't say the same for the checkout line! Tamra got out pretty quickly, but with two baskets and the self checkout line I can't say that there was any record breaking time for me. Maybe record breaking time for how long it to me to check my own groceries and dirty looks I got from the other people waiting behind me. Of course, I've gone green and refuse to use the plastic bags so I had to carefully pack my shopping bags AND I used coupons... you can imagine why I got those looks. BUT if they had seen how much I saved, they wouldn't have stared for quite as long.

Moral of the story.... Make sure I'm not a Wal-Mart when you are, it could be stressful!

After Wal-Mart we ventured home. When we pulled up in the drive way Baylee came running out of the house yelling "MOMMA, MOMMA!!!!" I have never been more excited to see her. Daddy even had her dressed, very cutely in a skirt and cute shirt. I was very impressed. What was more impressive was my house. It was almost exactly like a left it, except better. Byron had let Baylee play out in the back yard and they even swept off the back porch! I really should have more faith in the both of them!

Yes, this is my life. Consistently Crazy. If it were any other way I'd loose myself. Praise God for family and faith.

A consistently crazy Christian Mother,

Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm So proud of myself!

Back in September, for some crazy reason, I started running. (yes, sort of like Forrest Gump) It is something I have grown to LOVE! There are several girls here in Throckmorton that over the past few weeks have formed a WONDERFUL little running group. There are about 4 of us that run together regular. Three of us are mom's so we have to wait until we get the little ones in bed before we meet up. Last night the weather here was REALLY cold, I'm talking in the 30's. So I bundled up and headed out to meet Susie. We ended up running a new route that was about 3 miles. I felt SO good after we got back to the track that I ran another 2 miles!!!! Yes, you are reading this right.... I ran 5 miles!!!! My longest run so far has been only 6 and that was back in November. What I'm even more proud of was the fact that I ran that 5 miles in 45 minutes! I know, I know... some of you are laughing that it would take me 45 minutes to do that... but never the less, I'm still proud! I'm hoping to run a half marathon before my next child so if any of you know of some good ones coming up, please let me know.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Okay, so Baylee has quite a LARGE vocabulary now... some stuff she signs to us, like Please and Thank you. About a week or so ago she finally started saying PWEEZE when she signed it to Byron. However, she is VERY selective who she does this for. We were at the playground day before yesterday and I just happened to catch this on video....It was the first time she said it to me!
Some of her favorite things to say are:
My Daddy
Where's my Baby
What's dis? (What is this)
Whoof (this is what she calls all dogs... and ours, Tucker)
Bye bye now

Hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

Dad Hard at Work...

Here are a few pictures of the new generators that Dad is installing. Pretty cool, uh?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Trip Around the World...

Last weekend (March 7th) was Olivia & Kody's Couples shower in College Station. I was REALLY pumped b/c Byron was going to get to go with Baylee and I. It is a 5 hour trip from way out here in No-Man's-Land... turns out my excitement was pre-mature.... Byron ended up having to work AND he got sick. :( So, Baylee and I got up Saturday morning and made the trip with out "Dad." It turned out to be a VERY good trip. I was so pround of my little trouper! She didn't fuss once. She read about a thousand books... some more than once, snacked on some cereal and juice and even sang along with me to the radio. She finally fell asleep about the time I passed the exit for OSR... funny how that works. We went straight to Olivia's house, who by the way had lunch ready for me when I got there! She is TOO good to me sometimes! Anyhew, we got ready for the shower then drove back out to The Lys House in the country. Sheralynne threw a WONDERFUL shower. Lots of good food! There were SO many people there! Baylee had a BLAST playing with her "boyfriend" Payton. For those of you who don't know... Payton is Brenna and Ian Wilkins little boy... he is only 11 days younger than Baylee. Lacey Shaw and her hubby and daughter Addison were also there! It was good to see everyone and to FINALLY meet Kody's Dad! I'm SO happy that my sister found someone as great as Kody!

After all the excitement from the shower died down... Baylee and I headed back to No-Man's-Land, but only after a short stop for breakfast at Anne & Davy's house! It was SO much fun! Breakfast was DELISH and Baylee had a blast playing with all the toys that Anne had! After breakfast we packed up and headed to Meridian for my B-E-A-Utiful Cousin Amanda's BABY shower! I got so see the GLOWING new mom, Andrea, Aunt Laura, Kayla, and Aunt Kim! It was a blast. I also got to catch up with some old high school friends that I haven't seen... well... since high school!

I really enjoyed my trip and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again at the wedding in May!


My CraZy Father...

Well, as most of you know... my Dad and Rhonda are living in California right now. Dad is working at the Nuclear Power Plant in Northern CA.... He is currently working the night shift during this outage. Hopefully he will be off nights in about 10 days, which is REALLY exciting b/c Rhonda is about to go crazy!!! She only sees their dog Chloe and with out dad around she has no one to talk to. Dad has to wear scrubs to work which he hates... b/c they don't have pockets on the pants for him to carry all his junk. So, in leu of carrying a "man purse" he got Rhonda to sew some pockets onto his scrub pants... on the outside, and of course he chose Dallas Cowboy material. Yesterday night Dad sent me this picture.... It is of he and a guy he works with..... The title read like this: "We be from trailer 2, yo.." I'm thinking the night shift has started to really affect his brain cells... that is a bad thing if you know my father!

Dad and Rhonda will be in in late March for Olivia's wedding and a short visit! We can't WAIT to see them. I'll keep you posted on how things are going for our craZy Cannon family! Enjoy the pictures.

