Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Half way there.....

Yep, that's right.... Today marks 20 weeks! I can't believe we are almost half way!

We went for my 20 week checkup yesterday. Here are the stats:

Baby is doing great! Measuring only one day ahead of the due date. Not enough to change anything, we are still holding firm for July 27, 2010.

Momma gained some weight this go around... not much, but I told you guys this was coming!

I'm still feeling great! Especially when I look outside and it is a bright beautiful sunny day with 70 degrees in the forcast! Makes me want to go clean up my winter ridden yard!

This little Baby Gray is VERY active. ALL THE TIME! Baylee was active, but not quite this much, sometimes taking my breath away!

There was a little bit of a concern at the Dr.'s appointment, several things we are checking on. One is the fact that my blood work came back from the last appointment with a lower then my Doc likes platelet count. Platelets are what helps your blood clot. My count was in the 102 range where as a normal range is more like 150. SOOOOOOO.... I had to go give away, what felt like, a gallon of blood. UGH.... If you know me at all, you know me and needles don't G-haw very well. (hence the completely natural birth with my first child because I'm that afraid of needles! HA!) We should know something in the next week or two about my counts.... hopefully they are back up and or don't dip any further.

Also, the placenta is currently covering my cervix.... I'm really not too worried about this one.... it was the same way with Baylee. I'm thinking as I grow, it will move on up.... maybe even as soon as my next appointment! (he he... this means I get another sono next month! I get too see my precious little one again! HA!)

Baylee is more in tune with the fact that Momma has a baby in her belly and that she is going to be the Big Sista. Often she will walk up and pull my shirt up and rub my belly and tell the baby she loves it. She has been known to try this when we are out in public..... imagine my embarassment when she tried to show her Doctor my bare belly! HA! I'm just glad she is excited about the baby and wants everyone to know!

Here is the 20 Week Belly Picture:

Baby Love, my Baby Love,

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Great to hear that everything is going great! This platelet thing must be from the Cannon side. I was told it is hereditary (if yours is not pregnancy induced). Can't believe the little one will be here so soon!!!! :)